Private Policy
How We Collect Information About You: Cultivating & Embracing Change, Inc collects data through a variety of means including but not limited to letters, phone calls, emails, voice mails, and from the submission of applications that is either required by law, or necessary to provide treatment.
What We Do Not Do With Your Information: Information about your financial situation and medical/mental condition are not disclosed. We do not give out, exchange, barter, rent, sell, lend, or disseminate any information about clients who receive services that is considered client confidential information that is restricted by law or has been specifically restricted by a client in a signed HIPAA consent form.
How We Do Use Your Information:
Information is only used as is reasonably necessary to provide you with services which may require communication between Cultivating & Embracing Change, Inc and health care providers, service providers, and insurance companies.
Information We Do Not Collect:
We do not use cookies on our website to collect data from our site visitors. We do not collect information about site visitors except for one hit counter on the main index page that simply records the number of visitors and no other data. Clients will not be compensated for use of this information.